Stay & Play with PBS THIRTEEN: Patterns and Routines I OCT 9, 2020
Join THIRTEEN for a live, virtual educator-led session to learn about patterns and routines.

Stay & Play with PBS THIRTEEN: Halloween I OCT 23, 2020
Join THIRTEEN as we explore fall traditions like Halloween inspired by your friends from Clifford! You can use this workshop to spark a...

Stay & Play with PBS THIRTEEN: Voting I OCT 16, 2020
Join THIRTEEN as we explore ways the process of voting inspired by our friends from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! You can use this...

Voting Counts: Practicing Early Math Skills by Voting
PBS SoCal: Family Math Get to the polls! Here are seven easy ways you can help your little one build math skills like counting, sorting,...

Creativity in Learning Partners Collaborates with PBS SoCal
CILP kicks off a partnership with PBS SoCal to create content for their Family Math and At-Home Learning. Look for new articles,...